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vicious – bobby would
from the album "baby" / out 04/ 2019 on low company records, london, UK


A feeling of being lost that connects them. The elusiveness that they share. A introssast towards one another, then away again. At the same place, yet somewhere completely different. In ‘Vicious’, the protagonists of the film ‘L’eclisse’ (Michelangelo Antonioni) are caught up in this feeling.

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screenings: Filmnächte auf dem Dach der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Germany 2021 / 33. Filmfest Dresden 2021 / 14. LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International ; Germany, 2020 / 66. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany 2020 / Nominierung MuVi – Preis 2020 Oberhausen, Germany / Moscowshorts, International Short Film Festival, Moscow, Russia, 2020

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