2017; video; HD color; 2:57'; stereo

Filmmaker, Filmeditor &Visual Artist

Lucie Friederike Mueller is a filmmaker and video artist. She combines video, found footage sound to reflect on media phenomenas. In particular, she is interested in the role of emotional labor and human behavioral patterns in our society and how feelings are perceived in the social change.
Lucie Friederike Mueller studied fine arts in Kassel and Vienna. In 2023, she completed her Master's degree in Fine Arts with her shortfilm "Private Moment". She is currently working as a freelance filmmaker and artist.
Her work has been shown at international film festivals such as International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt, Short Film Festival Hamburg, Leiden Shorts, Musrara Mix Festival Jerusalem, as well as exhibition venues such as Anthology Film Archives New York, Reaktor Vienna and Fringe Arts Bath.
Professional Media Masterclass @werkleitz
Editor:in für Spiel- und Dokumentarfilm
(M.A.) Master of Arts: School of Arts Kassel
School of Arts Kassel Schwerpunkt Bewegtbild bei Prof. Bjørn Melhus, Kerstin Honeit, Angela Olga Anderson
Academy Of Fine Arts Vienna / Kunst und Medien bei Prof. Constanze Ruhm, Axel Stockburger, Barbara Kapusta
programm & kuration
2 0 2 2
Änderei, Dresden, programm
Molmersturn, programm & booking
Großkagen, programm & booking
2 0 1 9
Laucha, "Szene Zeigen" - Festival für darstellende Künste Laucha
Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, screening Filmfest Dresden Vicious
Zentrale Zentrale, Private Moment Screening
70. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Wheels
40. Kasseler Dokumentar– und Videofilmfest Kassel Private Moment
Filmnächte auf dem Dach der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn Vicious
33. Filmfest Dresden 33rd International Short Film Festival Dresden Vicious
14. LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International Vicious
Moscow Shorts 2020 Vicious
66. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Vicious
Szene Zeigen - Festival für darstellende
Künste Laucha Arms
UltraCinema 2019 Official , Selection Experimental, Mexico, Guelato Oax Arms
International Short Film Experience, Leiden, Netherlands Arms
Anthology Film Archives, AXW Film Festival, New York City, U.S. Arms
Fringe Arts Film Festival Bath, group mapping Arms
LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International Arms
Frauenfilmtage Wien Arms
34. International Documentary Film and Video Festival Kassel Arms
33. Internatinales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg
Musrara Mix Festival, Jerusalem, The Choirs (100 Percent Close)
BackUp_festival Weimar, Indeterminacy Of Particles
Dokumentar- und Video Filmfest Kassel, Indeterminacy Of Particles
Exgirlfriend Berlin, Buzzkill
Dokumentahalle Kassel, Examen
Tapetenwerk Leipzig, Gallery Showing
Motel Christas Drive, Dresden, Was Würde Susan Sonntag tun
Jahrmarkttheater Bostelwiebeck, Artist in Residence, Das Gegenteil von Hass ist Reparieren
Reaktor Wien Don´t Show Again, Group Exhibition
SSTR 6, Schönbrunner Str. 6, Wien A Live Ambisonic Audio Play (together with Ipek Burçak)
Semperdepot, Wien, Headache Of Truth, Examine: Slow/Soft/Slight&Gentle
Kunsthochschule Kassel, Rundgang, The Choirs (100 Percent Close) & Dumpster Drum Machine (DIY electronics; ACAD+C Magazine Release, Virtual Inheritance (Screening)
Dokumentar– und Videofilmfest Kassel, Ach,Baunatal deine Felder!
Interim, Museumsnacht Kassel, Dream Labyrinth , Live Performance
Interim, Dokfest Kassel, Counter Histories - Counter Stories, Sonderausstellung
Kassel, Caricatura, 10 Jahre Illustration & Comic
Marburger Kunstverein, 42 Proposals